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Joint pain should never prevent anyone from living life to its fullest. The right information, at the right time, can change lives.

Physiobot nailed it. Two years of pain is over - thanks!

M. Hardy, Denver CO


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This care guide and related information is educational in nature. Always consult with a medical professional prior to initiating new exercises or trying a new product, drug, or supplement.

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A key strategy to managing osteoarthritis (OA) is minimizing irritation to your knee - while also remaining as active as possible. It is critical you understand this fact. Too little movement weakens the knee, leading to more pain. Too much movement exacerbates the arthritis, also leading to more pain. You have to walk the line.

Keep moving but take it easy with activities that exacerbate your pain. These will tend to be high-impact activities.

Avoid periods of prolonged inactivity as much as possible. This will help keep the knee from stiffening up.

A daily walking regimen is highly recommended. Cycling and swimming are particularly good activities due to their low-impact nature.

Once again, the key is consistency and remaining as active as possible.

PHASE 1 | DAY 1-3

Goal: 25% Reduction in Pain

This phase is to jump start your recovery. Perform your exercise program 4 times per day. Twice in the morning, and twice in the afternoon. We want a noticeable improvement in pain levels by day 3. We know this can be difficult with busy schedules, but it's for a short time and necessary to promote a successful recovery.

DAY 3: If the pain worsens consider consulting a clinician. Otherwise, proceed to Phase 2.

PHASE 2 | DAY 4-7

Goal: 50% Reduction in Pain

This phase is about maintaining the momentum from Phase 1. Reduce your exercise frequency to 3 times per day. Keep at least one session in the morning or afternoon. The exercises should start to feel easier and automatic.

DAY 7: You should see significant relief by the end of this phase. If not, consider consulting a clinician or trying an option from the joint tools section (meds, e-stim etc.)

PHASE 3 | DAY 7-14

Goal: 75% Reduction in Pain

This phase is about consistency and slowly resuming normal activities. Perform your exercises 2 times per day. Perform one session of either walking or athletic activities (light jogging, cycling etc) at 25-50% normal intensity. No cutting activities. Let pain be your guide, if it hurts, back off!

DAY 14: You should feel markedly better and confidently on the path to recovery.

PHASE 4 | DAY 14-30+

Goal: 95% Reduction in Pain

This phase is about transitioning to a maintenance program and finalizing your recovery. Reduce your exercise frequency to 1-2 times per day. Keep building on your functional and athletic activity levels. You can begin to push your knee a little harder each day, but once again, let your body be your guide. Any doubts at all, consult a clinician. Congratulations on your self-driven recovery!

If you require additional guidance or help returning to full athletic levels, we recommend going directly to a physical therapist. Access options have exploded in recent years with therapists who come to your home or virtually.


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Let's be clear - therapeutic exercise and activity modification are your best bet. But everyone asks us about these joint tools and "if they work." To be honest, it's a tricky question. Results vary significantly person-to-person, and supporting evidence varies product-to-product. So, we did a clinical evidence review for each category. We were surprised by some of the findings.


Clinical Evidence: Good(+)

Percussive massage devices use rapid, repetitive strokes to target deep muscle tissue.

Massage Gun Evidence & Review


Clinical Evidence: Strong

Hot packs tend to be more helpful than ice when addressing osteoarthritis pain. For this reason, we recommend trying heat first, but ice can work as well.


Clinical Evidence: Strong

Our literature review indicates a combination of NSAID topical cream and oral acetaminophen is a reasonable first strategy to consider. 

Knee Meds Evidence & Review


Clinical Evidence: Fair(+)

The right knee brace can add support, reduce pain, and help you remain active.

Knee Brace Evidence & Review


Clinical Evidence: Fair

E-stim units are a drug-free, pain relief option. New models allow for easy home use.

E-Stim Evidence & Review

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Joint Care. On Your Terms.


Knee care is often severely delayed due to the barriers of time, travel, and cost. These delays can have life-long consequences on recovery. To overcome this challenge, new options have become available that bring evidence-based care to you.


An expert Physical Therapist will evaluate you in person, at home or work. Insurance accepted. Learn More


The next generation of joint care is here. Built for ease of use and accessibility. Learn More


Selected based on your condition match and care profile


Hold for 45-60 seconds

1-2 repetitions per session

Perform on each side


10-15 repetitions per set

1 set per session

Perform on each side

 - Consult with a physician prior to trying new exercises -

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Quadriceps Stretch

The quadriceps are located on the front of your thigh. When tight they add strain to the knee join.

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Hamstrings Stretch

The quadriceps are located on the front of your thigh. When tight they add strain to the knee join.


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P.S. Don't forget to save your guide for later.

Short Arc Quads

This exercise targets the end range of knee extension strength. This range often weakens with knee irritation.

Quad Strength

The quadriceps are key for knee stability with walking and running. When weak, pain and instability occur.

Gluteus Medius

The gluteus medius is located on the outer hip. Research shows strengthening this muscle is key to reducing knee pain.


Because laughter heals

What kind of knee does Pinocchio have? 

Wooden you like to know.

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Physiobot is a product of Physiobot LLC

Copyright 2023 by Physiobot LLC does not offer medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Physiobot is not a replacement for a physical therapist or physician evaluation. Always consult with a medical professional if you have any questions about your symptoms and/or prior to using any new product, drug, supplement, or new exercises. The statements and products referred to in this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. Use of this site is subject to our Terms and Conditions. 

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