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Your care guide's focus is on practical strategies to reduce pain, improve function, and promote joint recovery. Care strategies reviewed for clinical efficacy with ratings provided.  


This care guide and related information is educational in nature. Always consult with a medical professional prior to initiating new exercises or trying a new product, drug, or supplement.


Clinical Evidence: Strong
If you suspect that you have an ACL injury, we highly recommend seeking advice from a clinician as soon as possible. Delaying treatment could limit your ability to recover fully, so it is better to err on the side of caution. In the event that the ligament(s) are injured beyond a certain extent, surgery may be necessary for complete recovery. During the recovery period, your primary goal should be to protect the injured ACL by minimizing strain on it. This will help to reduce inflammation and promote healing. It is important to avoid activities that worsen your pain, but you should not stop moving altogether. Short, frequent walks on flat ground are recommended, but you should listen to your body and avoid activities that cause pain. In addition, you should avoid sitting for extended periods of time as this can cause your knee to become stiff and movement more painful. Once your pain has decreased, you can gradually resume your normal daily activities and athletic pursuits. It is best to work with a clinician to guide your return to sport rehab plan. You can get started with a conservative ACL sprain exercise program, which can be found at the bottom of this page. If any exercise or activity causes pain, you should stop or reduce the intensity. NOTE: The 4-phase program below is only for mild ACL sprains with no significant swelling or instability. When in doubt, always consult a clinician.


Clinical Evidence: Strong

Begin a targeted LCL sprain exercise program. For best results, make sure you address both strength and flexibility. We have given you a head start with an exercise program at the bottom of this care guide. Perform your exercises at least two times a day when possible. You can cycle down as the pain diminishes. Our goal is developing a simple set of exercises you can maintain.


Clinical Evidence: Strong

Evidence suggests ice can be useful immediately after a sprain occurs to reduce pain and swelling. Heat tends to be best for muscle soreness.


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When exploring joint care tools, we recommend trying one at a time. Prioritize based on your greatest concerns (instability, try a brace.) This will allow you to determine what provides the most relief for you.


Clinical Evidence: Fair

The right knee brace can add support, reduce pain, and help you remain active. Learn More and View Recommended Braces


Clinical Evidence: Good

Percussive massage devices use rapid, repetitive strokes to target deep muscle tissue.  Learn More and View Recommended Devices


Clinical Evidence: Fair

TENS units are a drug-free, pain relief option. New models allow for easy home use. Learn More and and View Recommended Models.


Clinical Evidence: Strong

Medications to reduce pain and inflammation can be effective. We reviewed the evidence on both topical and oral options.  Learn More


A conservative strategy of exercise and activity modification should lead to noticeable improvement within a few days. Other interventions, such as heat therapy, bracing, massage etc. can sometimes provide more immediate relief. This will be highly variable between individuals. Full return to activity and sport after an LCL sprain can take anywhere from a couple weeks to a year. This will largely depend on the severity of the injury and how quickly care is accessed. Once again, when in doubt, we recommend getting evaluated by a joint specialist.




We love this. An expert Physical Therapist will evaluate your knee in person, at home or work. Insurance accepted. Same cost as in a clinic, no prescription required. 


Confirm your condition. Get hands-on care. Review exercises. Learn More

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Selected based on your condition match and care profile


Hold for 45-60 seconds

1-2 repetitions per session

Perform on each side


10-15 repetitions per set

1 set per session

Perform on each side

 - Consult with a physician prior to trying new exercises -

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Range of Motion

This exercise methodically and safely addresses tightness and range-of-motion restrictions.

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Short Arc Quads

This exercise methodically and safely addresses tightness and range-of-motion restrictions.

Short arc quads

Hamstrings Firing

This exercise is a simple way to help you bend your knee better when walking.

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Quad Strength

The quadriceps are key for knee stability with walking and running. When weak, pain and instability occur.

Gluteus Medius

This muscle is located on the outer hip. Research shows strengthening the gluteus medius is key to reducing knee pain.

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Physiobot is a product of Physiobot LLC

Copyright 2023 by Physiobot LLC does not offer medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Physiobot is not a replacement for a physical therapist or physician evaluation. Always consult with a medical professional if you have any questions about your symptoms and/or prior to using any new product, drug, supplement, or new exercises. The statements and products referred to in this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. Use of this site is subject to our Terms and Conditions. 

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